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Robert L. Comis, 1946-2017

  • Robert L. Comis, MD, a long-time faculty member and leader at Fox Chase Cancer Center, passed away May 10, 2017. 

    Comis served here during a exciting time of growth for Fox Chase Cancer Center that led to NCI-designation. His career included service as the chairman for medical oncology, beginning in 1984, medical director, and senior vice president for medical science.

    “I think his contribution to the center was to be the first director to emphasize and encourage the staff to participate in clinical research and the use of new drugs to treat cancer in new and exciting ways,” said Dr. Paul Engstrom, Special Advisor to the President and Samuel M.V. Hamilton Chair in Cancer Prevention. “He was a very bright man who had deep experience in using and setting up clinical trials to identify the best treatments for cancer.”

    He is survived by his wife Ginny Martin, clinical nurse manager here, a brother, three children, and three grandchildren.

    Robert L. Comis, 71, noted cancer researcher who never forgot the patient
    Philadelphia Inquirer, May 18, 2017 — 5:09 PM EDT

    ASCO Remembers Dr. Robert L. Comis
    ASCO Connection, May 11, 2017